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What is the film stress of the coupling?

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What is the film stress of the coupling?

Date of release:2019-06-19 Author: Click:

Some professional coupling factories basically have different ways of distinguishing the stress of the coupling film. Nowadays, they are an effective coupling installation, and the machine is normal When it is running, it can be completely disconnected. If it is to be disconnected, it must be ensured that all the machines themselves are shut down, and related discussions are carried out through the coupling production equipment. What about the film stress of the coupling?

What is the film stress caused by the coupling torque?

The film stress of the coupling is basically directly related to Liu Jun. The torque of the single-piece coupling is also maintained within a certain range, and the force on each main bolt is also different. .

What is the deviation caused by the displacement of the coupling?

In the process of actual use of the coupling, because of the problem of its own orientation, their devices have some deviations. In the actual process of occurrence, their functions are different, and this kind of Displacement is also loaded on the central bolt hole, their main lines will be biased, and even some of their different places will have strong coupling characteristics, and there will be more space constraints at the two ends and in the middle. And the most important thing is that the center accepts the load.

Coupling production equipment.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/405.html

Key word:Couplinginstallation,Couplingcharacteristics,Couplingproductionequipment

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