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What can be done to make the life of the coupling longer?

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What can be done to make the life of the coupling longer?

Date of release:2019-06-18 Author: Click:

Couplings are used for a wide range of purposes. Generally, as long as there is a motor or reducer, a coupling is required. Do you know how to make the coupling longer? Follow the coupling factory editor below Check it out:

In the actual application process, it is necessary to operate correctly, especially the coupling maintenance needs to be carried out in the correct way, which will reach the normal standard for the service life, and the functional advantages of the coupling will be better protected.

Before the installation, everyone needs to conduct a comprehensive inspection, so as to avoid various failures after the installation, which may cause very troublesome situations. You must check and clean before the installation.

In the future, understand whether each component can work normally, and check whether each component can cooperate tacitly. In short, every component needs to be carefully inspected, so that the use effect after installation can be better. This is also a very important maintenance. process.

The use of the coupling after installation needs to be operated in the correct way, and it must be tightened in time after it is found to be loose. In this way, it is necessary to confirm that there is no looseness after several times, and then it can be put into normal use in order to avoid it. Various unexpected situations.

Coupling installation.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/390.html

Key word:Couplingmaintenance,Couplinginstallation,Functionaladvantageofcoupling

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