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Classification of rubber parts

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Classification of rubber parts

Date of release:2019-03-05 Author: Click:

1. We can classify rubber parts according to their appearance. Rubber can be divided into four categories: emulsion rubber (referred to as latex), solid rubber (also known as dry rubber), liquid rubber and powder rubber.

2. Rubber can be divided into two categories: natural rubber and synthetic rubber based on the source of the raw materials of rubber parts. The consumption of natural rubber accounts for 1/3, and the consumption of synthetic rubber accounts for 2/3.

3. In addition to natural rubber, synthetic rubber can also be divided into general synthetic rubber, special synthetic rubber, semi-general synthetic rubber and special synthetic rubber according to the properties and uses of different rubber parts.

4. Generally, rubber can be divided into hard rubber and soft rubber, raw rubber and compound rubber according to the physical condition of rubber.

5. According to the type of rubber and the form of crosslinking, in industrial use, rubber can be classified as follows.

One category can be divided into heat-resistant and oil-resistant functions: heat-resistant rubber, ordinary rubber, weather-resistant rubber, oil-resistant rubber, special chemical-resistant rubber, and so on.

Rubber parts use.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/381.html

Key word:Rubberrawmaterials,Rubberperformance,Rubberpartsuse

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