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Skills and instructions of coupling in assembly

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Skills and instructions of coupling in assembly

Date of release:2019-06-19 Author: Click:

The difference between coupling and clutch

The coupling factory has the functions of compensating the relative displacement of the two shafts, buffering and damping as well as safety protection; the clutch can be used as a safety protection device for the coupling to control the transmission torque when starting or overloading.

Couplings and clutches are mainly used to connect two shafts to each other. Their main functions are to transmit motion and torque, but the former does not disengage during work, while the latter has the function of engagement and separation.

What are the technical requirements for coupling assembly?

Regardless of the type of coupling, the main technical requirement for assembly is to ensure the coaxiality requirements of the two shafts. Otherwise, the two connected shafts will generate additional resistance and increase mechanical vibration when rotating. In severe cases, the coupling and shaft may be deformed or damaged. This requirement is especially important for rigid couplings that rotate at high speeds. Therefore, use a dial indicator to check the coupling runout and the coaxiality error of the two shafts during assembly.

How is the flange coupling assembly method?

When assembling the flanged coupling, first install the flat key and flange discs 1 and 2 on the shaft 3 and the shaft 4, and fix the gear box. Then fix the dial indicator on the flange plate 2, make the dial indicator probe top on the outer circle of the flange plate 1, rotate the two shafts synchronously, and ensure the coaxiality of the two flange plates according to the reading of the dial indicator Claim. After alignment, fix the motor and coupling, but the fixing bolts must be properly tightened when fixing, so as not to affect the alignment accuracy.

Assembly and adjustment skills of positioning pin coupling:

It is required that the clearance be proper when loosening after assembly. If the gap is too large, the compression will be insufficient during manipulation, the inner and outer friction plates will slip, and the transmission torque will not be enough, and the friction plates are also prone to heat and wear. If the gap is too large, the manipulation and compression will be laborious, and the insurance effect will be lost. When the machine is stopped, the friction plate is not easy to disengage, and the friction plate may burn out in severe cases. The coupling adjustment method is to first press the positioning pin 2 into the gap of the nut 1, and then turn the nut 1 to adjust the gap. After adjustment, make the positioning pin pop out to prevent the nut from loosening during work.

Coupling adjustment method.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/403.html

Key word:Couplingassemblytechnology,Couplingsafetyprotectiondevice,Couplingadjustmentmethod

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