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Selection of rubber seal material

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Selection of rubber seal material

Date of release:2019-06-19 Author: Click:

Because the working environment of rubber seals is different from the mechanical equipment, the performance of the sealing material will also be different to ensure the longevity of the sealing system and the normal operation of the equipment. So, what are our basic requirements for sealing materials?

1. First of all, the sealing material must have physical properties suitable for the working environment. Including appropriate mechanical strength, compressibility, rubber seal hardness, resilience, material compactness, friction coefficient, etc.

2. Then, the sealing material must have chemical properties suitable for the working environment. Including appropriate wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, ozone resistance, aging resistance, radiation resistance and so on.

3. Finally, the price of the rubber seal material should be suitable, the material should be easy to obtain, and the quality of the rubber seal should be guaranteed and durable!

Rubber seal material price.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/401.html

Key word:Rubbersealquality,Rubbersealmaterialprice,Rubbersealhardness

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