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Storage conditions of rubber seals

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Storage conditions of rubber seals

Date of release:2019-03-02 Author: Click:

Rubber seals are affected by various external environmental factors, which requires us to pay attention to the surrounding environmental conditions during storage. Next, let the rubber seal manufacturers introduce to you.

Introduction to storage conditions of rubber seals:

1. Light: Avoid eyesight and strong ultraviolet artificial light sources. Anti-ultraviolet packaging bags can provide ideal protection. It is recommended to apply red or orange paint or film on the warehouse windows;

2. Humidity: The loudness and humidity of the warehouse should not be less than 70%, avoid excessive humidity or excessive dryness, and no condensation;

3. Temperature: 5-25℃ is the ideal storage temperature. Avoid contact with heat sources and eyes. Seals taken out from low-temperature storage should be placed in an environment of 20℃, and then used on rubber seals;

4. Radiation: Avoid damage to the seals caused by ionizing radiation;

5. Deformation: The rubber parts should be prevented as much as possible in the oily state to avoid being stretched or compressed into other deformations;

6. Oxygen and ozone: Rubber materials should be avoided from being exposed to circulating air. This can be achieved by packaging, wrapping, storing in airtight containers or other suitable methods. Ozone is harmful to most elastomers. Avoid storage in the warehouse. The following equipment: mercury vapor lamps, high-voltage electrical equipment, electric motors and other equipment.

Use of rubber seals.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/385.html

Key word:Rubbersealmanufacturer,Introductiontostorageconditionsofrubberseals,Useofrubberseals

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