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Parts finishing process and extrusion grinding application in coupling factory

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Parts finishing process and extrusion grinding application in coupling factory

Date of release:2018-09-27 Author: Click:

The degreasing treatment before smoothing and the dehydration drying and anti-rust treatment of the parts in the coupling factory are very necessary. Both are indispensable and there are many methods. Dehydration and drying of couplings usually use industrial spin dryers. The main components of anti-rust oil are lanolin, barium petroleum sulfonate, sodium petroleum sulfonate and additives. Machine tools, abrasives and fixtures are the three elements of abrasive flow machining.

The function of the extrusion grinding machine is to fix the workpiece and the fixture and control the extrusion pressure. Under a certain pressure, the abrasive is made to grind the processed surface to obtain the effect of deburring and chamfering. The pressure range of the machine tool is from 7 to 224kg/cm2; the abrasive is mixed by a semi-solid carrier with viscoelasticity, softness and cutting properties and a certain amount of frosting. Different carrier viscosity, frosting type, and abrasive grain size can produce different effects. Commonly used abrasive types are silicon carbide, cubic boron nitride, aluminum oxide and gold steel grit. The size of sand is 0.005~1.5mm. High-viscosity abrasives can be used to uniformly grind the walls and large channels of parts; low-viscosity abrasives are used to grind the corners of parts and small channels. The clamp positions the parts and guides the abrasive to the processed part, blocking the parts that do not need to be processed. To successfully complete the abrasive flow processing of the parts and obtain the best processing results, there are many influencing factors. In addition to the equipment, they also include the selection of abrasives, the size of the extrusion force, the number of cycles, and the reasonable coupling design of the fixture.

Extrusion grinding is to remove metal materials in a small amount, deburring and rounding the cross parts of the inner cavity of the part, to achieve the purpose of fine processing. Abrasive flow machining has accuracy, stability and flexibility. It is widely used in the automobile industry and various manufacturing industries. The most fundamental advantages of the coupling are: it can reach the parts that are complicated and difficult to enter; the polished surface is uniform and complete; the processing effect of batch parts is repeated and consistent. These processing features improve the performance of the parts, extend the life span, and reduce the complicated manual labor, greatly reducing labor intensity. For example, when the inner surface of the car intake pipe is polished by hand, it can only be cut first, and then welded after polishing. With the abrasive flow machining method, the inner surface can be polished without cutting and opening. In addition to being a polishing method, the abrasive flow process can also perform micro-grinding on some parts with extremely strict surface shape tolerances and extremely strict quality requirements.

Abrasive flow machining is suitable for processing different parts and sizes. Small holes as small as 0.2mm or 1.5mm diameter gears, as large as 50mm diameter spline channels, or even 1.2m turbine impellers. Machine tools for processing large parts can be equipped with swing arms or conveyor tracks. Coupling technology has been widely used in the finishing of automotive parts, such as intake and exhaust pipes, intake valves, boost chambers, fuel injectors, fuel injectors, cylinder heads, turbine housings and blades, splines, gears, Brake.

Coupling technology.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/377.html

Key word:Couplingadvantages,Couplingdesign,Couplingtechnology

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