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The diaphragm coupling in the coupling factory is used in dyeing machinery

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The diaphragm coupling in the coupling factory is used in dyeing machinery

Date of release:2019-03-02 Author: Click:

Compared with the gear coupling, the diaphragm coupling in the coupling has simple structure, easy processing and maintenance, low vibration, no noise, and is suitable for use at high speeds. Easy to install, disassemble and check. Couplings are widely used in metallurgy, steel rolling, mining, chemical, pumps, fans and other industries.

Since there is no official product of this kind of coupling, the radial coupling size is large, and the flywheel torque is also large. Coupled with the influence of the traditional coupling coupling method, it is difficult to promote the use. In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment introduced by our coupling factory and save maintenance investment, we have fully realized its advantages and collected technical data from multiple sources. In the joint design with the rubber factory, while considering its load-bearing capacity, the radial size was restricted as much as possible to reduce the flywheel moment. At the same time, combined with existing domestic equipment, for example, the diameter of the tire rim on domestic cranes and other equipment is large or small. Then refer to the flywheel torque in the elastic pin coupling and nylon pin coupling to continuously improve the design of the coupling.

With the development of science and technology, the use of diaphragm couplings has become more and more common, especially the stainless steel diaphragm coupling. The diaphragm coupling consists of two halves of the coupling and the stainless steel coupling diaphragm in the middle. The principle is to adjust the misalignment of the two couplings through the three-dimensional deformation of stainless steel. Due to the high coupling strength of the coupling, it does not require lubrication, is resistant to acid, alkali and oil, has good impact properties, and is also the first choice for dyeing machinery. one.

The diaphragm coupling and tire coupling in the coupling can not only be used in dyeing equipment, but also in textile equipment such as flat washing machine and cloth washing machine. Through repeated communication with manufacturers and repeated trials, the design of the product is gradually optimized, the service life is extended, and the cost is reduced. Our products are widely used in the textile field.

Coupling mode.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/376.html

Key word:Couplingdesign,Couplingsize,Couplingmode

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