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Rubber parts to give you an analysis of 4 hot spots in the rubber additives industry

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Rubber parts to give you an analysis of 4 hot spots in the rubber additives industry

Date of release:2017-12-14 Author: Click:

At present, there are four main hot spots in the rubber additives industry! What are they? Rubber parts manufacturers will introduce to you!

1. Environmental protection

At the end of August 2017, the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Surrounding Areas 2017-2018 Autumn and Winter Air Pollution Comprehensive Control Action Strengthening Supervision Plan" was released (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" pointed out that in order to further guarantee the environmental air quality in the autumn and winter of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the surrounding areas, we will further promote the atmospheric environment law enforcement inspection work, and formulate measures to control the industrial peak production air during the heating season. From the perspective of the plan, the implementation time of staggered production regulation in key industries is basically concentrated from November 15, 2017 to March 15, 2018, for a period of 4 months.

Most of the production of rubber additives is concentrated in the north (Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Shanxi), and the north in winter is an important area for air treatment.

Second, the price increase

2017 has entered the fourth quarter. So far, rubber additives have been rising all the way, and the highest product increase has been more than 70%!

Due to environmental protection, winter air treatment, and the rise of basic chemical raw materials, the prices of various chemical raw materials and rubber additives have been increased more or less recently! For this reason, the industry will face the situation of not worrying about receiving orders and worrying about production. Orders are easy to receive, but later delivery may be affected by factors such as price increases of raw materials and production restrictions.

Many factors affected the price of rubber additives in the fourth quarter. Influencing factors include: winter air treatment, suspension of production of rubber additives factories, low inventory of rubber additives of manufacturers, peak season for foreign purchases before Christmas, and environmental protection taxes in 2018.

3. Clean production

Since 2016, clean production has been the mainstream topic of the industry. Clean production will lead China's rubber additives to the world. Clean production must be integrated into automation and continuous production, and the production process of rubber parts, rubber parts production equipment, The level of online prosecution. In the next few years, rubber additives factories will rapidly improve production, environmental protection, rubber parts quality, and management levels, and most small unlicensed and unlicensed rubber additives production factories will slowly disappear or upgrade to the park, then the rubber additives market The pattern is bound to change!

4. Microchannel technology

The advantages of microchannels are high transmission efficiency, good safety, small production area, easy process control, and easy to realize miniaturization, intelligence, automation, and specialization of production. In the rubber additives industry in the past two years, companies have introduced microchannel equipment and technology to start research. If the trial production of rubber additives is successful, the production of rubber additives will be truly automated and continuous, production efficiency will be greatly improved, and production safety The performance will be improved, and the production will be easier to control the reaction temperature and time to achieve long-term consumption reduction and efficiency.

Rubber parts production equipment.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/367.html

Key word:Rubberpartsquality,Rubberpartsproductionprocess,Rubberpartsproductionequipment

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