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How to identify the quality of rubber parts

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How to identify the quality of rubber parts

Date of release:2017-12-14 Author: Click:

At present, rubber products that can be seen everywhere have entered our daily life, and we are gradually inseparable from her, so how should we distinguish this necessities of our lives? Rubber parts manufacturers tell you how to identify the quality of rubber products Bad.

There are many types of rubber parts, with different standards and requirements for different products. Under normal circumstances, the quality of all finished rubber products is mainly determined by the purity of raw materials, mold accuracy, product formulation and production technology. The quality of rubber parts has more than hundreds of unique formulas, and has sealing materials that have the best performance in harsh environments, such as extreme temperatures, medium erosion, ultra-high pressure and extremely strict standards. High-performance rubber raw materials, rubber parts production equipment and advanced inspection equipment provide a strong guarantee for the manufacture of high-quality rubber parts.

Rubber parts production equipment.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/366.html

Key word:Typesofrubberparts,Rubberpartsquality,Rubberpartsproductionequipment

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