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Contribution of rubber seals to economic development

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Contribution of rubber seals to economic development

Date of release:2019-06-19 Author: Click:

In my country's economy, the development of rubber seals occupies a prominent position and has its presence in various industries. In recent years, with the rapid economic growth, the rubber seal manufacturing industry has maintained a double-digit growth.

According to statistics, in 2010, enterprises above designated size in my country's rubber seal manufacturing industry (according to the statistical caliber of the National Bureau of Statistics, sales revenue above 5 million yuan) achieved a total industrial output value of nearly 8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 25%.

The "2012-2016 China Rubber Seal Manufacturing Industry Production and Sales Demand and Strategic Investment Analysis Report" released by the Institute shows that there are nearly 300 enterprises above designated size in the domestic rubber seal manufacturing industry. The industry generally shows that the scale of enterprises is relatively small and the level of technology Low development situation. From the perspective of corporate economic type, private and foreign-funded enterprises account for more than 95% of the industry’s main economic types. At the same time, companies are basically concentrated in East China. From the perspective of the number of enterprises, sales revenue and asset scale, East China is all Occupies a considerable share, and the market concentration is relatively high.

The rapid economic development has brought about an increase in fixed asset investment in major downstream industries such as the automobile industry and other machinery. The domestic market demand is strong, providing a huge market space for the rubber seal manufacturing industry. Many multinational companies have entered the Chinese market through joint ventures and cooperation, which has led to intensified competition.

Fortunately, in the future, the industry will still benefit from government attention and support. With the improvement of the technical level of rubber seals in my country's rubber seal manufacturing industry, the transfer of the world's manufacturing industry to China and the role of rubber seal price leverage, the level of China's export of rubber seals has increased in recent years, with some technical content Higher products have entered the international market. This situation has brought great development opportunities to domestic rubber seal manufacturers.

Experts in the rubber seal manufacturing industry analyzed that brand awareness, environmental awareness and standardization are the lifeblood of enterprise development. We should strengthen the research and development of new products and technologies to promote technological progress in the rubber seal industry.

Rubber seal technology.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/399.html

Key word:Rubbersealtechnology,Rubbersealmanufacturingindustry,Rubbersealprice

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