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Detailed explanation of the main performance and characteristics of rubber parts

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Detailed explanation of the main performance and characteristics of rubber parts

Date of release:2017-12-14 Author: Click:

Detailed explanation of the main performance and characteristics of rubber parts:

Mechanical properties under normal conditions

Type 26 fluororubber generally has a tensile strength of 10-20 MPa after mixing; an elongation of 150% to 300%; a tearing strength of 20-40 kN/m, but its elasticity is poor. The coefficient of friction of fluorine rubber is smaller than that of nitrile rubber.

High temperature resistance of rubber parts

At present, fluorine rubber has excellent high temperature resistance. The fluorine rubber of the rubber parts manufacturer can work for a long time at 200~250 degrees Celsius, and can work for a short time at 300 degrees Celsius. The heat resistance of F246 is slightly better than that of F26. The tensile strength and hardness of fluorine rubber significantly decrease with increasing temperature. The characteristic of the change of tensile strength and hardness is that below 150 degrees Celsius, it decreases rapidly with the increase of temperature; between 150-260 degrees Celsius, with the increase of temperature, the downward trend is slow.

Corrosion resistance

Fluorine rubber has excellent corrosion resistance. It has excellent stability to organic liquids, different fuel oils and lubricating oils, and has good corrosion resistance to most inorganic acids, hydrocarbons, benzene and toluene. It is only resistant to low molecular esters, ethers, ketones and some amines. Class compound.

Performance of hot water and superheated steam

The stability of rubber against hot water depends not only on the material of the rubber, but also on the rubber compounding technology. For fluorine rubber, peroxide vulcanized fluorine rubber is superior to amine and phenol vulcanization systems. The formula of rubber parts should say that fluoroelastomer has general heat-resistant water and superheated steam performance, and it is not as good as ethylene-propylene rubber. The volume change after immersion in superheated water at 180 degrees Celsius *24h does not exceed 10%, and the physical properties do not change much.

Compression set performance

Fluorine rubber is used for sealing at high temperatures, and compression deformation performance is its key. Viton-type fluorine rubber has been widely used because of its improvement in compression deformation.

Rubber material.jpg

The address of this article:https://en.sampe.com.cn/news/218.html

Key word:Stabilityofrubberparts,Rubbermaterial,Hightemperatureresistanceofrubberparts

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